Emergency Childcare for Essential Employees

At Angel Watch Academy, we understand that healthcare and essential employees need emergency childcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. Angel Watch Academy will be open for childcare. We want frontline employees to have access to safe, local childcare to make it easier to do their jobs effectively. Safe, stable childcare should be one less issue for our frontline employees to worry about.

If you need immediate childcare, please call Angel Watch Academy at 713-423-4137 now.

Temporary Valet Services Start March 23rd

person holding black smartphone and vehicle steering wheel

Angel Watch Academy’s commitment to the health and well-being of our angels, their families and the community in which we serve is extremely important to us. We pride ourselves on serving our families while adhering to the highest standards of childcare. We are carefully monitoring the COVID-19 situation and are monitoring updates and guidance from Texas Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. 

Safety is our top priority. We’ve implemented advanced measures of sanitization in our school to protect our angels. We have increased health and safety protocols in place, as recommended by the CDC, including taking everyone’s temperature before entering the building. 

To continue to provide a safe and healthy environment starting March 23, 2020, we will temporarily adjust our hours to 7:00 am – 6:00 pm. We will also offer our version of valet services. Once you arrive in the parking lot of the school, we ask that you call the school phone (832) 427-6028. A staff member will come out to your car with our sign-in clipboard. While you sign in, our staff member will take your angel’s temperature and escort them to class. During pickup, your angel will be escorted to your vehicle and you will be asked to sign them out on the clipboard. 

We will continue to adjust our operations according to the recommendations of health authorities as we actively monitor the ongoing impact of COVID-19. 

We hope these small changes bring peace to the anxious and continue to offer stability to our angels and parents.

COVID-19 (coronavirus): Fulfilling Childcare Needs In Crisis

Coronavirus and childcare

Angel Watch Academy will be open on Monday, March 16th and we will be accepting drop-ins.

Harris County Public Health is NOT recommending the cancelation of children’s activities.

We do have to keep in mind the health of everyone so we will NOT be able to accept any new child that has recently traveled outside of the country, has a cough, fever or shows any signs of being sick.

Parents, we ask that you use your best judgment, if your little ones are under the weather, please keep them home and seek medical attention if needed.

All Angel Watch Academy staff are taking extra steps when it comes to the cleanliness of our academy.

We will keep you all up-to-date as we continue to monitor the situation and we hope everyone stays healthy.

Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out.

Photo by Gautam Arora on Unsplash


After 8 years of teaching and managing Angel Watch Academy, it was time to pass the teaching component over to someone else. Please understand this was no easy task. I absolutely love teaching. If it wasn’t for my love of teaching and watching a little person grasp a new skill, I would have left the childcare industry years ago. Through my process, I considered hiring someone to do several other tasks so that I could continue teaching.  However, I knew it was time to pass the teaching baton. Not only for my professional growth but the growth of the school as well. After trying out a few teachers, I quickly learned that some people are great caregivers but lack the passion a good teacher possesses.  

Year 9 rolls around and in walks Mrs. Mimi. A’imee Davis is a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana who at the time was living in New Orleans. She expressed to me she was teaching at a nursery in New Orleans and working on her degree in Child Development with a minor in Business Management. She expressed she would be moving back to Houston soon and she wanted to work with me.  “Que the singing Angels”. My gut told me she was the one. 

1 month after finishing her Director certificate she moved back to Houston. Just as she settled in, we needed a teacher. She hit the ground running and has yet to look back. She sings to the kids when it’s time to wake up from their nap and at any given moment you may catch her dancing with them. Every single morning that she walks through the door you will hear every child at Angel Watch scream her name with excitement. She makes learning fun and intriguing. However, there are a few more important qualities Ms. Mimi displays. Mimi embodies oodles of patience, she’s compassionate and she’s energetic. She has an engaging personality and is a good communicator. She understands the concepts of the curriculum and can adjust them to any individual preschoolers‘ needs. She’s innovated and has a zest for teaching.  Her name is A’imee Davis and she’s Angel Watch Academy’s secret weapon 

When Should I Keep My Child Home From Daycare

In Today’s modern world, parents have quite a busy routine. It can be hard to decide when to keep your child home from daycare. We all have jobs to attend to so it is understandable, of course, that missing work can have an impact on our finances, job performance, reviews etc. But there are certain times when it is absolutely necessary to keep your children home in order to help them recover faster when ill as well as to make sure that other children do not get sick.

The following are a few things to consider if your child is sick and you are unsure whether or not to keep him or her home.

What are the symptoms

Even if you are not sure of what is actually wrong with your child, it is likely they are exhibiting symptoms that indicate they are not well enough to attend daycare. These include:

  • Fatigue (often a sign of the flu)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (or even just extremely loose or watery bowel movements)
  • Severe coughing
  • Temperature above 100º
  • Earache or headache
  • Exhibits a rash

If you notice your child exhibiting any of the above or similar symptoms your child should most likely stay home, and in fact, should probably be taken to the doctor to rule out any serious illnesses and get treatment.

If the symptoms are on the milder side – like just a small cough, a runny nose etc. it is probably safe to drop them off at the daycare.

What is the daycare’s policy

Our goal at Angel Watch Academy is to ensure the safety of every child, and we have developed a sick policy to help prevent the spread of contagious infections, cold, etc. We will be more than happy to provide you a copy of our sick policy, which outlines when it is safe, and when it is not to bring your child in. Your child may be well enough to attend daycare in accordance to our policies, but you should be sure to inform us about your child’s condition, provide medications and instructions, as well as a written consent to give the child the medicine.

Be absolutely safe

If you are not absolutely sure whether or not to bring your child in, it is usually safe to err on the side of caution. Keeping kids home and in their own beds may help them recover faster than sending them to the child daycare center. It is of course, better to be on the safer side because if your child’s condition worsens while they are at daycare we may need to call you to come and pick them up anyway. For some parents it can get really difficult to come from work once they have arrived, and it might be better to just stay home with your child.

If you would like to know more about our sick policy or have any other questions about the care we provide to children, feel free to contact us or schedule a visit.